samedi 30 mars 2013

Working Process

A late blogpost.
 Feeling quite sick, and having a few days of vacations while a friend's birthday.

 As you have seen, most of my recent works are digital. From A to Z.
 I'm working on a Cintiq 21UX, using Manga Studio, Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.

Page 4 from Uss Indianapolis #2 - Damien Maric / Kevin Enhart ©Overlook Publishing

 The quality of the layouts I produce depends of the technics I'll later use for inking, and the complexity of the page.
 Here, a character from Uss Indianapolis, kneeling in a safety boat. Except for the position of the character, the work here is not that hard : the safety boat, the ropes and the background characters are mostly the only elements of the page, and I'm used to add all the details while inking.

 Usually, especially for Uss Indianapolis, I make my pages in three row : layouts-pencils, inks and, finally, the add of the ocean and clouds with Illustrator and Photoshop.

 The interesting thing about working this way is that most of my "tools" are ready : my clouds and ocean are vectorized with Illustrator, then re-worked with PS.
 That only fact saves me at least two hours, spent for the inks : the script needs a quite gritty, realistic work, and the fact that the book will be in b&w obliges me to think about the shadows at the inks stage. The clair-obscur work takes me lots of time, and every minute saved in the process is a realy gain.

 Tomorrow, I'll talk about the usual process for artworks like Apes With Uzis or The Heindrich Project.

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