mercredi 27 mars 2013

I'm back!

Hey all!

 I've decided to re-open that blog to share some of my thoughts on the job, colleagues and more, as much as I can, talking about some upcomic projects and, well, try to show some few social abilities.

 So, let's begin with the projects I'm working on.

 For the published ones, let's begin with the beginning :
 You can buy the Satanic Hell digital comics at their website :
 3 issues (on 7) available so far.
 Written by Grigoris Douros
 Art by Kevin Enhart
 Colors by Jimmy Kerast
 Published by Zeno Telos Press (USA)

 I've already done 5 of the 7 issues, and the last two ones will be ready for May (but you'll read them later, of course).

 White Walls and Straight Jackets will be available on paper and digital release on May 11 from
 Written by David Owain Hughes
 Art by Kevin Enhart
 Published by Deadstar Publishing (UK)

 Uss Indianapolis #2 will have its pre-release (hopefully) at the end of May, at the Geekopolis Festival I'll be attending with writer Damien Mari, and enventually its release in Juy.
 The first issue (with art by Giancarlos Olivares) is already available on the publisher's website : (so far, only in French)
 Written by Damien Maric
 Art by Kevin Enhart
 Published by Ovrlook Publishing (France)

 Apes With Uzis - Arc & Chain : Thugs Electro (created by Rolf Lejdegard) is my new baby, and will be released in May or June. The previous issues and series are available from
 Written by Mark Bertolini
 Art and colors by Kevin Enhart
 Published by 215Ink (USA)

 That's it for the upcoming releases.
 I've still got a bunch of projects aside : The Heindrich Project is in discussion, and I'm currently writing a mini series called The Fear and the Pain with the help of Mark Bertolini, which I hope to see published before the end of the year.

 More coming soon!

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