dimanche 14 avril 2013

Step by Step

A little step by step from Apes With Uzis, page 23.
 I'm really having tons of fun with that comics, exploring many stuff I wanted to do for a while - like huge action scenes, gunshots etc.


 Rough layouts.



Apes With Uzis - Arc & Chain : Thugs Electro
 Written by Mark Bertolini
Art by Kevin Enhart
Published by 215Inks

Apes With Uzis created by Rolf Lejdegard. 

dimanche 7 avril 2013

Geekopolis Tarot

Here are the five cards I've made for the Geekopolis Festival promo tarot.

 I'll be attending the festival, on May 24th and 25th. Here is the link : https://www.geekopolis.fr/

 Those for ones are actually the figures of the "Lightsaber family".
 Vader and Phoenix are the King and Queen.
 Their shape is made so the Geekopolis team dedicated to that can easily copy and reverse the pictures to have the complete cards.
This one represents the Judgment.
 The theme for this one was zombies and post-apocalypse.

 Enjoy folks!

vendredi 5 avril 2013

New Page

Just for the fun, a before / after on a complete page from Apes With Uzis - Arc & Chain : Thugs Electro.
 The title will be available at the beginning of this summer, hopefully.

 Created by Rolf Lejdegard
 Written by Mark Bertolini
 Art by Kevin Enhart
 Publised by 215Ink